Monday, November 11, 2013

Apollo 18

Oh. My. Goodness.

Are the three words that kept running through my head as this horrifyingly intense film held my undivided attention. Apollo 18 was not quite what I had expected. To watch the trailer please click here.  Starring -actors who I have never heard of, but did a phenomenal performance- Warren Christie, Lloyd Owen, and Ryan Robbins as three young astronauts (Ben, Nate, and John) who are privileged with the assignment of Apollo 18 to the moon.
Excited to see the world from a different lens, quite literally, the trio disembark on a journey that would be the defining moment of their lives. 

As the reach the moon Captain Nate and Ben leave John to man the ship as they explore this new world. While their exploration seems somewhat normal at first, things begin to take a new shape as suspicious noises as well as interesting coincidences put the two on edge. They also discover a Russian vessel that is abandoned on the moon. They become even more uneasy when they find the remains of what they believe to be the pilot of the abandoned ship. 

Eventually Nate becomes infected. By what, they are not really sure. However, it transforms him into a paranoid, defensive, and almost crazed person. Soon things go from bad to worse and Ben is forced to leave Nate and seek out the Russian vessel as a refuge; their own ship has been damaged. 

Will Ben survive? What happened to Nate? And how does John fit into this equation as he hovers over the dark ambiguity that is raging below in the other spacecraft? 

I have given enough of the story away already, I suggest you watch it for yourself to see the end result.


My two cents worth about this movie would stem from being very pleasantly surprised. To be completely honest when I picked this one up I thought it would be another one of those cheesey films that is trying so hard to have an original plot and be scary at the same time, but failing miserably.  And to be completely honest I am not a fan of scary movies. However this movie would probably lie more in the suspense category than anything.

One thing in particular that struck me while watch it was that I was instantly sucked into it which took me quite off guard. The beginning starts with some written information that you need to know in order to fully understand and appreciate the plot. This of course demands your full attention and then naturally gets you curious to know how the story is going to unfold. I was doomed from the start.

Secondly, I loved that the movie was filmed in such a way that made you feel like it was realistic. That is to say it almost had a home video-esque style, but with better clarity. There were very creative camera angles. It did an excellent job at filming certain objects that seemed odd for just the right amount of time and then leave audiences flabbergasted when the camera went pitch black, or cut off, or perhaps a new scene! But what?! What was that? What in the world is going on? Was that thing moving!? These were just some of the many questions rolling through my head as I watched from scene to scene.

Another great thing about the movie is that it is only 87 minutes long. I think brevity in movies is almost a lost art. I understand that there is a certain amount of time that is needed to truly get the plot and point of the movie across, but when some movies go on and on it just gets ridiculous. This movie did a superb job at getting to the point very quickly and keeping its audiences interested. 

Rated PG-13 for its intensity as well as language I would say is a very accurate description. While there is not a lot of language I did note a few intense moments where it came through pretty strong. The whole movie keeps your adrenaline pumping.

I recommend watching it with others. I made the mistake of viewing it solo in the dark. Needless to say I was a little on edge because of it. Once again this film surprised me in a good way and I think that it is somewhat of a sleeper film. I do not know many people at all who have seen it or really talk about it. I honestly feel like audiences would enjoy it if they gave it a chance.

To me it was a refreshing twist on a suspenseful movie. It reminded me of the Alien movies (which are awesome). Obviously those are classics and this movie is not on the same level as they are, but all the same it is an excellent thriller and a must see. 

For more info about the movie and its actors click here to view's information.

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